Thursday, April 23, 2009

The world is your canvas!

Every students comes into your class as an individual. they have goals, strengths, weaknesses, talents, and needs. Everyone of them should be treated as such. why not let them "paint their own canvas"? allow children to make their choices and follow their passions. we should be there to guide then through their journey into self discovery and aid them in their rough patches. its important to notice every childs strength and encourage them to develop their talents. but as teachers we also need to make them realize they wont be "good" at everything they do. sometimes things take work. we can help guide them through their difficulties and teach them strategies to learn how to overcome these weaknesses. allowing them to "paint their canvas" gives them a little power over their lives and builds confidence in them. when they know they can make positive choices for themselves and accomplish things on their own at their own level they begin to feel pride!

As their instructors we are there to provide them with the tools they need to paint their canvas. Much like an art teacher hands them their brush and paints we need to hand them skills, subject matter and problem solving to help them achieve their goals. help them realize they can do it on their own with a little guidance. we can hand them the tools to succeed!

The world is your canvas, get painting!

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