Monday, April 13, 2009


I chose Montessori schools because i LOVE them. i attended one when i was younger and i was great! i think that giving children a chance to learn at their own pace and making them fully understand what is being taught before they are allowed to move into the next topic is a wonderful strategy. just because 20 kids are the same age doesnt mean all 20 are equal in every subject. some may be better in math while others better in art. no one is perfect but every kid can learn if you try hard enough. they need to be treated as individuals. as individuals they are taught at their own speed and how they learn best. a child will push themselves if they are given the opprotunity. if they are thrown in with a bunch of kids and never looked at on a one by one case disabilities and weaknesses may be overlooked. this distinc school system has been proven time and time again to have educated evern the most difficult learners. children who dont want to learn in a standard school system LOVE learning in these schools. they are engaging, self motivation and rewarding. how cool would you have felt as a 7 year old to be in the 9 year olds math class? that would have been enough for me study!

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