Thursday, February 19, 2009

say no to vouchers!

When i say, "say no to vouchers" i am not talking about food or rent vouchers, I'm talking about school vouchers.
it is not to say that i don't think every child in America deserves an equal education, because that i do believe. however it is programs such as this that limit the quality of education students in urbanized communities receive.
think of it this way, if you lived in an area with a great deal of poverty and it was known for its poor education and you had the option to send your child to a great school in a wealthy safe community which would you choose? every parents wants the same thing for their child, and that is "the best". the best of everything and anything they can provide. if this is something you would choose dont you think this is something every other parent living in your area would choose as well?
if there is no one in the urbanized school system, why would they clean it up? when you can send them elsewhere why bother fixing the problem at hand?
if parents stay active in the community and on top of the issues they may get resolved. having a child that goes to these schools without books, desks or qualified teachers may be the push they need to create some action. when the problem is not yours its much easier to forget about.
not to mention the extra burden these programs put on the schools these kids are bussed into. if your adding kids you need to add more faculty to keep lower class sizes. good schools are known for small class sizes. if you cant afford more teachers, you are losing that valuable aspect of a quality school by increasing class sizes. is that fair to the parents and student who belong to that city or town and possibly enrolled their children in these particular schools for the simple reason they were quality institutes of learning with small class sizes? it also means these schools need more supplies. more students means more books, desks everything!
yesa voucher does mean money from the government, however it is not enough to cover the costs discussed. a voucher is a minimal amount of money distributed among all students in need of the finance. they are not given a ton of money. its not a teachers yearly salary or enough to remodel the school for the growing number of students. its minimal.
while it seems like a great idea. live in a cheap area becuase its more affordable and bus my kid into a wealthy community for education,it turns into a spiraling disaster.
it turns the quality schools into over populated less quality schools and the urban schools are left out in the cold. if no one has to attend these crummp city schools no one is going to make them better. help these school by donating books and supplies. send teachers to conferences and classes to help them become better teachers or just raise state qualifications for hiring. you can make these school better without just taking kids out.
we all do deserve an equal education and money should not be an obstacle but things will not get better by running away! you have to fight for what you deserve to have!

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