Thursday, February 26, 2009

What to do with twins!?

Have you ever wondered what happens to those sweet baby twins when they grow up? what happens for their first year of school? often times schools get to decide this. they are typically separated and forced to go into separate classes. in some instances this is a good thing... if they don't get along, or pay too much attention to what the other is doing rather than learning then yes they should be separate. however, what if they do get along focus just fine with the other in their presence? should they then be separated?
I believe it should strictly be the parents choice. the school can make a recommendation and back up their reasons for doing so, but the final choice should be the mother and fathers. Why should a school dictate what your children experience in life? they are responsible for teaching and providing a safe and loving environment. not depriving a child from experiencing life with their twin. 

I personally would choose to keep my twins together if i had twins. here is why. Twins are born together. they have the exact same life experiences for the first few years. some children may use a blanket or stuffed animal for security while most twins use each-other. they expect life to go along with the other. splitting them up can cause emotional damage. they may become distracted because they miss their sibling rather than focused because they are alone. there is just a unique bond between twins. they depend on each-other and they are connect in a way no other siblings are. they grow together from the time they are tiny eggs until they are adults. it can also be more simple for parents to actively participate in school. rather than having 2 different assignments mom or dad can help both of them at once. they can also learn to help each-other when they are learning the same things at once. 
in some instances this option is not possible. if one twin has a learning disability and the other doesn't, it would be harmful for you to force the other one to slow down or vise vera speed up. quality of education is the most important. if there were no aids available to help out then they would have to be separate. i would also say that if there are behavioral issues which become worse when the other twin is present they should be separate. if they are not causing problems, there's no need to separate them. the only time i see this fit is if keeping them together may harm one or both. 
however, in the end i feel it should be up to the parents. they're their children and who knows them better than their parents?

Check out this site. its a video on NECN. The woman in the video is a professor at Salem State. she had a bill passed for allowing parents to decide what happens to their twins.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

say no to vouchers!

When i say, "say no to vouchers" i am not talking about food or rent vouchers, I'm talking about school vouchers.
it is not to say that i don't think every child in America deserves an equal education, because that i do believe. however it is programs such as this that limit the quality of education students in urbanized communities receive.
think of it this way, if you lived in an area with a great deal of poverty and it was known for its poor education and you had the option to send your child to a great school in a wealthy safe community which would you choose? every parents wants the same thing for their child, and that is "the best". the best of everything and anything they can provide. if this is something you would choose dont you think this is something every other parent living in your area would choose as well?
if there is no one in the urbanized school system, why would they clean it up? when you can send them elsewhere why bother fixing the problem at hand?
if parents stay active in the community and on top of the issues they may get resolved. having a child that goes to these schools without books, desks or qualified teachers may be the push they need to create some action. when the problem is not yours its much easier to forget about.
not to mention the extra burden these programs put on the schools these kids are bussed into. if your adding kids you need to add more faculty to keep lower class sizes. good schools are known for small class sizes. if you cant afford more teachers, you are losing that valuable aspect of a quality school by increasing class sizes. is that fair to the parents and student who belong to that city or town and possibly enrolled their children in these particular schools for the simple reason they were quality institutes of learning with small class sizes? it also means these schools need more supplies. more students means more books, desks everything!
yesa voucher does mean money from the government, however it is not enough to cover the costs discussed. a voucher is a minimal amount of money distributed among all students in need of the finance. they are not given a ton of money. its not a teachers yearly salary or enough to remodel the school for the growing number of students. its minimal.
while it seems like a great idea. live in a cheap area becuase its more affordable and bus my kid into a wealthy community for education,it turns into a spiraling disaster.
it turns the quality schools into over populated less quality schools and the urban schools are left out in the cold. if no one has to attend these crummp city schools no one is going to make them better. help these school by donating books and supplies. send teachers to conferences and classes to help them become better teachers or just raise state qualifications for hiring. you can make these school better without just taking kids out.
we all do deserve an equal education and money should not be an obstacle but things will not get better by running away! you have to fight for what you deserve to have!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Why keep art in schools?

Many schools have been making cutbacks, just as we all have due to the economy. Unfotunately when a school is making a cut back, its the students that suffer. its either lower wages for teachers, which equals strikes or a lower quality of teaching staff. they could not purchase supplies but then the students have no books to read, chairs to sit in or desks to write on. so rather than making the cuts there they cut the classes that are seen as, "non essential". what are these classes? mainly Arts, however music falls into their as well. how could a class that can be used as an outlet of self expression be considered useless? what other opprotunity do these kids have to focus on no one but themselves? they can do whatever the please in art as long as they follow simple guidelines. many children who fall into the abused catagory can be saved from the teachers who notice the unusal pattern in the artwork they recieve. Art is unbelieveably crucial to a childs educaiton. its all about becoming well rounded! you can learn just as much from art as you can from any other subject. it may not manifest itself in the same way but its value is there! Whats your opinion of keeping art in school?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I am a senior but not graduating this year! :/ i have 5 more classes after this semester and plan to finish up part time. i am incredibly interested in teaching and can't wait! i plan to teach elementary level art. the location of the school doesn't really matter, im pretty open to traveling! this year is going to be the start of a new life and i'm very excited. i have never blogged before so this is a first, but im interested in learning a little about this because i hear people always talk about it but never really read any!